September 12, 2023

Energy and opportunity: looking forward and back

We are happy to welcome you all back to another exciting year of learning in New Westminster.

There is energy and a sense of opportunity being felt across the district. Schools opened their doors last week to eager young kindergarten students starting their first days, to students in transitional years who are bravely adjusting to new classes in their new schools, and to so many others who are proudly kicking off their final years in the school communities that have helped shape who they are becoming. It’s an exciting time to be in and around schools.

As we look forward to this year ahead, it’s also helpful to take a moment to look back and appreciate all the work we’re all building on. In this year’s “Good Things are Happening” annual report, there are stories that provide examples of the kinds of lessons students will engage in this year, there are celebrations of milestone events and projects that marked the 2022-23 school year, and details about the ongoing work that will affect and impact our learning spaces and practices for years to come.

I encourage you to take a few minutes to delve deeper into the stories that show how our staff are inspiring learning, how we’re tackling barriers that some students and families in our community face, and about the big picture work we’re doing to support our growing and changing community: Good Things are Happening: 2022-23 in review.

In the coming weeks and months you’ll continue to hear more from both our schools and our district. From schools there will be regular updates sent by principals, and some invitations to connect from teachers and other staff members. From our district, there will be everything from updates around the diversity, equity, inclusion and anti-racism work that we’re taking on, to invitations to participate in informational and educational events we’re planning. And at the Board of Education level, public meetings will resume later this month as well.

We look forward to working and learning alongside all of our New Westminster community this year.

Welcome back,
Karim Hachlaf
Superintendent of Schools / CEO