September 26, 2023
Long Range Facilities Plan: Info sessions to outline how we’re addressing growth
All of the work we do to grow and develop our District’s infrastructure is based on our long range facilities plan.
As we address our current and future enrolment growth in the district, our Long Range Facilities Plan (LRFP) plays a vital role in outlining the work we need to do. We develop the LRFP with support of outside consultants that identify both enrolment projections and possible options to accommodate changing needs in our district. This plan serves as the road map we use to develop our capital submissions made to the Ministry of Education and Child Care for funding that’s required to expand or build new schools.
While we previously updated this document every 5 years, with the rapid rate of growth in our District, we’re now refreshing this plan every 18-24 months, to ensure we keep up to date on enrolment projections and if necessary, updating the recommendations and requests with the Ministry. We are committed to doing everything we can to support students and families in New Westminster.
We’re proud to be sharing this newly updated document with you all: Long Range Facilities Plan – August 2023
(Once approved by the Board of Education, the above linked LRFP will replace this current one: Long Range Facilities Plan – August 2021)
We will be hosting two information sessions in early October to walk people through the data, the ongoing work, and the anticipated upcoming needs. We want to try and address any questions people have. But due to the limited time available, we ask that those questions on the content of the report be sent by September 28th to
All members of our school community you are invited to attend one of these two sessions:
- Tuesday, October 3, 2023, 6:30-8pm, at the theatre at New Westminster Secondary School (seating will be first come, first serve), or
- Thursday, October 5, 2023, 6:30-8pm, Via Zoom
We look forward to sharing our growth needs and plans with everyone in our school community.