ERASE bullying

ERASE (Expect Respect and A Safe Education) is a provincial initiative aimed at preventing and standing up against bullying. We’ll talk more about the tools available below, but first, let’s be clear about what we’re talking about.

It is important to recognize signs of bullying and to clearly identify the difference between conflict and bullying, in order to appropriately respond to bullying incidents.

While the two seem similar in some instances, there is actually a distinct difference.

Bullying is a persistent pattern of unwelcome or aggressive behaviour that often involves an imbalance of power, and/or the intention to harm or humiliate someone. Bullying often results in feelings of distress on the victim.

Conflict is generally a disagreement or difference in opinion between peers who typically have equal power in their relationships. It’s usually an inevitable part of a group dynamic.

Bullying isn’t just a child’s issue: it’s a school and community issue, and must be addressed with a school and community solution.

BC Ministry of Education tools: erase website

When it comes to standing up to bullying, there are many different ways we do that in schools. But we all know that bullying extends past the classrooms and hallways our students and staff connect within. And, as parents or allies, there are roles for everyone to help support kids who might be facing bullying in their school, home or personal lives. That’s why the provincial government as created this strategy, that has some big and important goals:

  • erase is a provincial strategy for creating safe, inclusive and welcoming school cultures that support student learning and well-being
  • erase empowers students, parents, educators and the community partners who support them to get help with challenges, report concerns to schools, and learn about complex issues facing students.
  • erase features an expanded Get Help section on the new website – with links to 24/7 phone and text lines as well as online chats if a student, or someone they know, needs help.
  • Download poster here.
New: Report It | Check out the anonymous Reporting Tool for students

You can also watch videos, discover tools for schools to help promote erase in each school community, and more.

The erase strategy was introduced in 2012 and has since been expanded to address complex issues concerning the evolution of social media, youth mental health concerns, world events impacting our schools, and other factors.

To learn more and to access resources visit