
Building objectives into finance is about determining priorities … about making sure that once the basics are covered, the results we want to achieve in every department are funded in ways to help us all achieve those goals together. And we use those responsible, strategic choices across every department to make sure we continue to support and improve on the experiences of students, staff and our greater community.

DISTRICT GOAL: Students will have access to supported staff focussed on learning, and will have voice in resource allocation impacting their learning.

Objectives Key Results

Objective 1:  
Resource allocation in the budget process will align to learning priorities.

Objective 2: 
Classrooms will be provisioned with goods and services at the best price, quality and least environmental impact.

Objective 3
Students will have voice in annual budget process.

Key Result 1: Ensuring allocations within our operating budget support the learning priorities set forward by the Board of Education

Key Result 2: Classrooms will be provisioned with goods and services at the best price, quality and least environmental impact.

DISTRICT GOAL: Families will have access to streamlined and highly accessible service, and will have voice in resource allocation.

Objectives Key Results

Objective 1:  
Resource allocation in the budget process will align to learning priorities for their students.

Objective 2
Parents will have secure access to on-line payments and custom forms to be confident in data and resource security.

Objective 3:
Recognizing parent participating in fundraising efforts, ensuring that School Generated Fund year-end balances are as low as possible to ensure funds raised is spent on the students intended to benefit.

Key Result 1: Ensuring allocations within our operating budget support the learning priorities set forward by the Board of Education.

Key Result 2: Provide transparent and inclusive budget opportunities for parents to provide input.

Key Result 3: Reduction of School Generated Funds year-end balance.

DISTRICT GOAL: Employees will be supported through excellent customer service, enabling stress-free focus on students. Staff will have access to timely, accurate and relevant data for decision-making required to best support learners.

Objectives Key Results

Objective 1:   
Staff will have access to customer service standards


Objective 2
Staff will have access to relevant, clear procedures and processes

Key Result 1: Clearly communicate budget processes, opportunities for input, and outcomes of the budget process that are aligned to the strategic plan.

Key Result 2: Fair and consistent procurement policy and practice.

Key Result 3: Timely and accurate orders and payments to suppliers.

DISTRICT GOAL: Community members will feel trust and confidence in public education through transparency.

Objectives Key Results

Objective 1
Transparent and inclusive budget process


Objective 2
Positive relationships with suppliers to advance best price and product objective

Key Result 1: Clearly communicate budget processes,  opportunities for input, and outcomes of the budget process that are aligned to the strategic plan.

Key Result 2: Fair and consistent procurement policy and practice.

Key Result 3: Timely and accurate orders and payments to suppliers.