COVID-19 Info Centre

End of year ThoughtExchange

Dear parents and students,

From the beginning of the COVID outbreak, we have all been in this process together. We have not always had the answers, but we have worked hard to find them while we collectively learned, adapted quickly to changing recommendations and created new norms.

We now look forward to September with hopes of an increased return to our schools, but we don’t yet know what that will look like. We do know the Province will be informing school districts in mid-August what stage we’ll begin at. So we’re moving ahead with our planning, under the anticipation that we may be looking at a possible new hybrid of face-to-face and remote learning in the Fall.

We want our district’s plan to reflect the best possible options for our students, staff and families. So, we need to hear from you again.

We want to know:

  • As you reflect on the changes and various phases of the last few months, what worked and what could be improved?
  • With the assumption September’s return could include a combination of face-to-face and remote instruction, what should we consider?
  • How safe and supported did you feel while making the various transitions? What resources or practices should be added to compliment what’s already been done?

In order to collect you’re your feedback, today we’re launching a ThoughtExchange process to facilitate that conversation:

The exchange will be open until Monday June 29th, 2020, noon.

We appreciate your time and thoughts. And we encourage you to login as often as you like to continue to engage and participate in the conversations, responding to thoughts shared by others and adding your own. All comments are anonymous. And the limited information you provide will only be available to staff who will be analysing the data available.

As it will aid us in collecting accurate data: if you have children in two or more schools but only one device or browser option in your household, please select the one school you’d best like to provide feedback on. If you have kids in multiple schools you can provide feedback separately by using different devices to access the above link or by using different browsers.

For those more comfortable participating in a language other than English, automated translations (via Google Translate) can be selected at the top of the Introduction page.

I want to thank you in advance for participating in this important conversation that will help inform and compliment our planning through the summer.

In thanks and appreciation,
Karim Hachlaf
Superintendent of Schools / CEO


PDF: Superintendent invite to participate in year end ThoughtExchange