Where our student population is heading

Like many municipalities in the Metro Vancouver region, New Westminster’s population has been steadily rising. This consistent growth means more households are calling the city home even after we factor in our community’s maturing population.

School age population growth projections included in our updated 2023 Long Range Facilities Plan anticipate the rate will only increase over time.


A bar graph displaying historical and projected school-age population for New Westminster from 2013 to 2037. The graph shows a series of bar graphs illustrating a steadily rising student population that peaks at 9,795 students in 2037 compared to approximately 7,800 in 2022.
New Westminster’s school-age population projections until 2037.


Between 90 and 93 per cent of school-aged children are also expected to attend district schools between 2023 and 2037.


A line graph displaying a projected steady rise in New Westminster's student-age population vs. the anticipated total enrollment by 2037, which is also expected to rise.
New Westminster’s school-age population (ages 5 to 17) vs. The total K-12 enrollment projections up to 2037.


What all of this means is, in addition to the capacity (physical space) issues we’re dealing with now, our school facilities will face increased pressure in the future to accommodate even more students.


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