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School Board seeks public feedback Nov. 13-27 on May Day Task Force recommendations…

The New Westminster Board of Education is seeking public input starting November 13 through to November 27, 2017 concerning the school district’s participation in the annual celebration of May Day in New Westminster.

The district ceremony takes place during a school day in Queen’s Park and is one of several community and city-run events celebrating May Day.

The May Day Task Force was commissioned by the Board of Education to review the scope and nature of the school district’s annual May Day celebrations.

The Task Force included parent, teacher staff and trustee representatives who, after 18 months of deliberations, reached consensus on three recommendations.These were put before the Board at the October 24th, 2017 Regular Board Meeting.

Please see the May Day Task Force Recommendations Report to the Board of Education October 2017. 


Please access our New Westminster Schools 2017 Public Feedback Form on the May Day Task Force Recommendations.

The Board of Education is inviting public feedback on these recommendations  to assist in making an informed decision on the school district’s role in the annual May Day celebration.

Students, parents and community members are asked to provide a response of agree/disagree/undecided in relation to each of the three recommendations, as well as comments. A brief rationale for each recommendation is included. To ensure the integrity of this process, the feedback form requires each participant to provide their name and email. No names will be released to the public.

We welcome your input and thank you for your participation. This feedback form will run from November 13 to November 27, 2017.