United Way Workplace Campaign 2021
You. Yes, you. Thank you!
We want to thank you for caring about your community: for the work you do each day, and for the extra ways you’re still willing to give back.
And thank you for considering making a donation to the United Way of the Lower Mainland: to support the great work they do in community … from supporting after school programs that engage kids from our schools here in New Westminster, to helping isolated seniors build the connections and support they need to stay in their homes longer, and to all the things in between that they do to help identify and fill community needs and build stronger connections for people.
If you haven’t done it yet, you can join colleagues in your District and donate here: https://eaccess.uwlm.ca/Begin.jsp?HR=64516B53462E3D47235E4F282F453D67455633617E3E&HD=266B59545B3365213C7055474E35743C2A643B667E3E
What’s one of the most amazing things about giving? When we give, we so often also receive in doing so. And in this case, we have a few prizes we’ve pulled together. And anyone who donates, any amount, by Thursday March 11th at 5pm, will be entered to win one of the below prizes!
And the winners are (as selected by “commentpicker.com”) …
- $100 Gift Certificate for Belle Box’n Bow (a local company who makes beautiful gift boxes – check them out on Instagram) … so you can treat yourself, a friend or a loved one with a lovely surprise … Anita Sigur!
- $50 Save-On-Foods gift card … Lena Harris
- $50 Save-On-Foods gift card … Patricia Pain!
- $50 Save-On-Foods gift card … Anita Stewart!
- $50 Save-On-Foods gift card … Chris Evans!
- Bottle of red wine (grenache blend) … Maureen McRae-Stanger!
We know some of you aren’t in a place to donate. Maybe you already have your charity of choice. But giving is an action that can take many forms. Consider how deliberate, small acts of kindness can help positively impact the people and community around us.
Rick Bloudell turned the United Way Acts of Local Love 31 Day Challenge (original digital PDF version available via that link), into a school friendly game of Local Love Bingo! Try it with your class. Or see if there are some acts or challenges there that inspire you to connect with those around you (like tell someone you love them, reach out to a friend you haven’t talked to in a while, or hold a door open for a stranger).
Any class who completes a Local Love Bingo card with their class by Wednesday can send it to Rick. One lucky class will be drawn from there … the winning class will be featured on the School District website and social media channels (and that teacher will get a $50 Save-on-Foods gift card)!
And since our goal is more about encouraging participation than a particular dollar figure, we’re adding a little fun competition in: the school or staff team with the highest percentage of participation (at any dollar figure) will be getting a special thank you and small prize from Superintendent Karim Hachlaf! How are we going to break that down? As follows:
- Each school is their own team! So, if your primary office/work is at or within a school, that’s your team (eg – NWSS would include International Ed, Adult Ed, etc).*
*The one exception is that we’ll partner our HLP team in with Connaught … reaching across the District while doing some good. 🙂 - As partners in new space: TIS will be joining forces with the Maintenance
- And the “District Staff” team will be a combo of School Board staff, all itinerant and casual staff!
We hope you’ll consider joining us in showing your local love and making a donation to support our community today: https://eaccess.uwlm.ca/Begin.jsp?HR=64516B53462E3D47235E4F282F453D67455633617E3E&HD=266B59545B3365213C7055474E35743C2A643B667E3E