Objective 1: Improve user experiences through easier access to information and tools | Key Result 1: Refreshing and improving websites with user experience of our target audiences in mind. Key Result 2: Providing more opportunities for parents and community to connect with the District:Exploring options around newsletter tools that can be used by Districts and schoolsExploring SMS, apps and push notification optionsAdding Instagram, andIncreasing engagement in established social media sites. Key Result 3: Brand and application: updating templates and phasing out outdated logo and template use. Key Result 4: Complete launch of attendance forms. Key Result 5: Website and communications tool audit. Key Result 6: Increase number of storytelling opportunities that feature work and projects at a school based level. |
Objective 2: Support ongoing development of the District website and the Staff Portal as key informational hubs | Key Result 1: Refresh website with parent as primary target audience, including: launch DEIA resource hub on website, develop resource library listing for the Wellness Centre, and rework copy and organization to easier, more approachable options. Key Result 2: Staff portal development: collaborate with TIS to improve the Staff Portal. Key Result 3: Ongoing updates for key sections (registration, capital projects, parent resources). |
Objective 3: Support school-based information that’s timely, meaningful, accessible and transparent | Key Result 1: Support more regular updates to school sites, through Comms assistant. Key Result 2: Regular website maintenance. Key Result 3: Standardize tools to make updates easier, including: provide easy “how to” guides to support staff comfort working with tools, continue to build out site capacity, provide more tools on the staff portal to make it easier for schools to update websites. |
Objective 4: Measure Success | Key Result 1: Track year-over-year qualitative and quantitative engagement: website page views, bounce rates, and, social media followers, views and engagement rates. Key Result 2: Use qualitative feedback where appropriate to measure success and modify strategies, including collection of data from a communications survey. |