Queensborough JUST B4 is a play-based program designed to support future young learners in the year leading into kindergarten. JUST B4 helps children transition smoothly into their start at school.

Our program

Queensborough JUST B4 preschool program is centred on creating a caring, play-based learning environment for children. Our program is designed to create a safe, happy, and nurturing environment aligned with BC’s Early Learning Framework. And it is specifically designed to support young learners in the year before they enter kindergarten.

The goal of our approach is to foster a love of learning in each child. Our early childhood educators are passionate about providing children with an inclusive and educationally enriching environment. This is accomplished by designing learning that supports “the whole child” as an individual based on the BC Early Learning Framework.


Hours, fees and days of operation

Queensborough JUST B4 will be welcoming children to join the pilot program, which will be run out of the Strong Start Centre at Queensborough Middle School (833 Salter Street, New Westminster). This program has been approved for the Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative, meaning funding will be invested directly into reducing fees for families we’re supporting.

There will be two different options for families to enroll in:

  • Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 12:30 to 2:30pm ($164 per month, after fee reduction), or
  • Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:30 to 2:30pm ($126 per month, after fee reduction).

Queensborough JUST B4 Program will follow the school calendar and will be closed all statutory holidays, over Spring Break, through the summer, on professional days, and any day other day the centre may need to close (e.g. if there are snow days or other unanticipated reasons the school may need to close).

Sample Schedule

Each day children will have a choice of playful and creative activities combined with facilitated group activities that build on each child’s competencies. The schedule will change each day, as various themes and activities evolve, and as student and group interests are identified.

12:30 pm – Welcoming circle and group discussion

Inquiry & activity play centres

Snack (each child will bring their own)

Collaborative opportunities to be creative, listen and tell stories

2:30 pm – Saying goodbye

How to apply

We are a licensed preschool and will be providing spaces for 20 children in each program (Mon/Wed/Fri or Tues/Thurs).

The programs run from September to June (following the school calendar)


Child eligibility

Children are eligible to start JUST B4 in the same calendar year that they turn four(4) years of age (meaning if your child is born September or later, they may be three(3) years old when they start).


Children born in this year … … will typically start JUST b4 in September of this year.
2019 2023
2020 2024
2021 2025


Families may apply for two(2)-day, three(3)-day, or five(5)-day sessions:

  • Tuesday, Thursday (two-day session)
  • Monday, Wednesday, Friday (three-day session)
  • Monday to Friday (five-day session)


Application process:

  • Application is on-going.
  • Please find the application form below.
  • Staff will reach out to the primary contact listed on the application, with offers for spots in the program and information on how to register.
  • If the program is full by the time you apply, we will automatically add your application to our waitlist.

For information on the program, please contact Ileana Neilson at ineilson@sd40.bc.ca