Snow day?

In Canada, winter weather isn’t just a seasonal occurrence, it can be a way of life. While we may not see as much ice and snow in New Westminster as in other parts of our country, there will be rare occasions where we’ll get just enough of it to make travel difficult, if not hazardous. If something like this happens, schools may close.


School Closures Q&A


Schools in New Westminster are open by default unless you receive a notice from the District announcing closures.

If a significant snow event forces school closures in New Westminster, the District will announce the decision by 6:30 a.m. on the day of or soon after that.

There are several ways you can receive news and announcements on school closures:

  • Email notifications will go out to parents and caregivers who are registered in our SchoolMessenger system.
  • A notice will be posted on the District website’s homepage under "News and Events".
  • The District will publish notices on our social media channels.
  • School closures are usually announced on multiple local radio and TV stations, including:
    • CKNW (AM 980)
    • CBC (AM 690/FM 88.1)
    • News 1130-City News (AM 1130)
    • Global TV
    • Fairchild
    • BC CTV

Your family’s well-being is our top priority. We will excuse students who are absent because they are unable to travel safely during inclement weather.

If you feel your child(ren) cannot journey to and from school due to hazardous conditions, please make alternate arrangements for the day.

If you have questions, do not hesitate to contact your school’s principal.


Extreme cold

In the event extreme cold is forecasted, district schools will limit student exposure to freezing conditions by reducing outside time (e.g. recess). Please also ensure your child is dressed appropriately before they leave for school (e.g. warmly, in layers, and covering as much exposed skin as possible).

For more information on dealing with extreme cold conditions: