January 9, 2023
Fuel Up Survey
In 2019 New Westminster Schools launched the innovative and ground-breaking school lunch program called “Fuel Up.” This program is open to all kindergarten to grade 8 families (it also delivers to RCAP and POWER), with partial and full subsidies available for families in need. The Fuel Up lunch program, run by our partners at Simply Foods, takes the stress off packing lunches every day, provides kids with healthy and affordable lunches, and by ensuring that nobody knows who is receiving or not receiving a subsidy, it takes the stigma away from lunch programs that other models can sometimes have.
We’ve seen growth in both the interest in and need for the program. We want to build on that and ensure it is meeting the needs of kids and families.
We’re looking for your feedback as we continue to develop and deliver on what’s offered and how this program is run. Maybe you order every day, maybe only on occasion, or maybe you’ve never considered it. We’re looking for feedback from everyone!
Please take 2-3 minutes to complete this quick and confidential survey* and help us better understand how this program does or does not support your family’s needs: Fuel Up Lunch Program Survey
*This survey will close on Sunday January 22, 2023
Thank you for sharing your time and thoughts with us!
- The New Westminster Schools team