April 6, 2023
You’re Invited: Parent workshop on disordered eating
We’re excited to invite you to an upcoming parent workshop about disordered eating and eating disorders – an issue we’ve heard both parents and students asking for more resources on.
What: “Understanding Disordered Eating and Eating Disorders in Youth” workshop and presentation
When: Thursday, April 20th from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Where: In the multipurpose room at Fraser River Middle School, 800 Queens Avenue
Please use this link to register in advance: https://eatingdisorders-wellnesscentre.eventbrite.ca
As a part of our Wellness Centre series for parents and caregivers, this free, in-person workshop aims to spread awareness and understanding, and provide resources to either address or prevent disordered eating. This presentation and discussion will be led by Carmen Kaufmann, a 25 year specialist at addressing disordered eating, who is also a sports nutritionist and personal trainer with a Masters degree in Social Work. In this session she will cover:
- Defining eating disorders vs. disordered eating
- The Eating continuum and disordered behaviors
- Contributing factors
- Dieting vs. healthy eating
- “Health At Every Size” explained
- Identifying risk factors
- Tips on how to approach and support someone you are worried about
- Local resources and help
We hope to see you at this event!
Not able to make it? Does your teen need support around disordered eating? More support is available through our Wellness Centre at NWSS. In fact, this year one of the exciting additions to the centre has been the new Nurse Practitioner who has been there, supporting students with a range of health issues or concerns. This includes being able to provide supports or referrals to address disordered eating, and offering tools to help promote healthy eating habits.
In this exciting collaboration with Fraser Health, the Nurse Practitioner is available every Tuesday between 10:30am and 2:00pm – promoting physical, emotional and social well-being by delivering free and confidential care to students. This care includes addressing a wide range of mental, physical, and sexual health concerns that students may have. And as a Fraser Health employee, the Nurse Practitioner has the training and ability to assess treatment options, make referrals and potentially prescribe medication … connecting young adults to the comprehensive health care needs they may have.
If you’d like to learn more about the role of the Nurse Practitioner, about other partners providing wider community support through the Wellness Centre, or about the ongoing drop-in sessions available to various groups, you can read more here: https://newwestschools.ca/programs-services/family-and-community/wellness-centre/
We’re proud of the offerings that continue to be developed through the Wellness Centre, as we strive to support students, staff, parents and the wider New Westminster community. We look forward to sharing more with you soon.
- The New Westminster Schools team