In case of an emergency
Schools may implement any of the following actions in the event of an emergency or threat to ensure the security and safety of staff and students.
1. Hold and secure
Used if there is a security concern in the school’s neighbourhood.
Hold and secure protects school occupants from danger in the neighbourhood or community outside. For example, a police incident in the immediate area, suspicious strangers on school grounds, or protests/civil disturbances nearby.
2. Shelter in place
Used if an environmental hazard may affect the school.
Shelter in place shields staff and students from hazardous conditions outdoors by holding them inside the school. This action is often initiated in response to environmental or weather-related events (e.g. smoke/chemical/airborne contaminants, severe weather, dangerous animals, etc.) and typically requires closing the school’s exterior doors and windows and shutting off ventilation systems.
3. Lockdown
Used in response to an armed or dangerous assailant inside the school.
Lockdowns are implemented to protect school occupants from a dangerous individual inside the building. For example, a person with a knife, firearm, or other weapon who is threatening to harm or is in the process of harming people.
4. Drop, cover, and hold on
Used in the event of an earthquake, explosion, or any incident that causes the building to shake.
Drop, cover, and hold on is used for emergencies where there is an immediate, physical impact on the school that causes its internal contents (e.g. furniture, books, etc.) to move around in ways that may cause injuries.
5. Evacuate
Used to relocate occupants out of the building when a hazard exists inside. Evacuation instructions are issued in the event of fires, earthquakes, hazardous spills, etc. or as required after a lockdown or drop, cover, and hold on order. School
Emergency notices
If an emergency is in progress, the district will post messages and status updates on the NewWestSchools.ca, affected school websites, and on the following social media channels:
Messaging will also be sent through the district’s Synervoice automated calling system.