Tweedsmuir After School Studio features 24 child care spaces held in a kindergarten classroom and is open to kindergarten and grade one students. The program is a pilot project funded by the New Westminster Board of Education and is expected to start in September 2024.
The program team consists of highly qualified staff of two early childhood educators and one educational assistant. This lower child-to-staff ratio ensure each child’s individual needs are met.
Tweedsmuir After School Studio is guided by the Ministry of Education and Child Care’s Early Learning Framework.
Schedule and fees
- Fee information will be posted when available and may be reduced by the province’s Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative and/or the Affordable Child Care Benefit.
Tweedsmuir After School Studio is open Monday to Friday and follows the school calendar:
- Open during school hours from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.
- Closed on all statutory holidays, seasonable school breaks, and non-instruction days.
Apply for the program
Application is on-going and offered on a first-come-first-served basis. Please note kindergarten-age children have priority followed by grade one students.