The English Language Learners (ELL) program helps students develop English language skills that are necessary for success in Canadian schools and society. The ELL program’s goals include:
- Helping students improve their ability to communicate fluently in English.
- Develop an understanding of Canadian culture.
- Develop related skills such as numeracy and participating in group activities.
Assessment and placement
Every year, ELL specialists formally assess students who are already enrolled in district schools to determine the level of support they require. The assessments are based on BC Ministry of Education and Child Care ELL standards and used to adjust the ELL program to best cater to student requirements as they progress in their English language development.
How to participate in the ELL program
No application is necessary.
Schools provide different levels of ELL instruction to meet ELL student needs, regardless of where they stand in terms of English comprehension. Teachers work to ensure students can handle progressively more complex instruction in English as they build their linguistic skills.
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