International Education & District Newcomer Centre

At New Westminster Schools we celebrate the culturally rich diversity of our community. And the International students and newcomer families who join us only contribute and build on that strength … both in what that experience can mean to them as well as the value and perspectives they help bring to our wider community. We’re deeply committed to creating welcoming, supportive and engaging opportunities for new students and families.


Objectives Key Results
Objective 1:
Students will be actively engaged in class scheduling both prior to and upon entering their program.
The course selection form will be revised to provide more accurate information for the counselor to consider when scheduling. Students can potentially receive a schedule before arrival.

Timeline: Three months before arrival and during orientation.

Objective 2:
Students will be aware of and engaged in interactive intercultural opportunities within the school district.
In conjunction with New Westminster Schools staff and The Welcome Centre, students will participate in various after school programs within the district.

Timeline: On going throughout the school year.


Objectives Key Results
Objective 1:
New Westminster Schools’ International Education partners will appreciate the “boutique like” service structure of our program.
Families will be able to receive timely updates to school progress, attendance, homestay status and general information through personal communication (email, phone, MyEd and Zoom).

Timeline: Prior to arrival (from the recruitment stage to program completion and beyond).

Objective 2:
Natural Parents will be able to access information on their child’s progress with confidence from anywhere in the world.
International Education Program staff will update and maintain MyEd access for international student parents with preference for access before arrival.

Timeline: Log in information to be received prior to arrival and updated as required.


Objectives Key Results
Objective 1:
Increase understanding of the International Education program, processes, policies, and challenges with our New Westminster Schools partners.
Attend NWSS staff meetings and present on the international program as well as provide timely updates of student numbers, activities and so on.

Promote staff participation in International Education activities and events.

Timeline: Attend the first staff meeting in October and provide updates as needed each month.

Objective 2:
New Westminster Schools staff and administration will become actively involved in facilitating the overall international student experience.
Together with The Welcome Centre liaise with elementary and middle schools to involve international students in after school activities.

Timeline: Ongoing throughout the school year.


Objectives Key Results
Objective 1:
Host families in the community will feel valued as important share holders in the success of the international Program.
Host a series of events with the goals:

  • create connections within the homestay community
  • recognize and laud the role of homestay in our program
  • fortify the relationship between our families and our staff.

Timeline: One event per semester

Objective 2:
All district stakeholders benefit from the cultural and financial contributions of international students in the district
Students and staff will:

  • Contribute to a diverse culture within the district and the community.
  • Contribute to the sustainability of district programs, facilities, and equipment.

Timeline: Ongoing throughout the school year.