Features & Resources

November 11, 2017

New West Teachers Celebrate Making BC History…

At a time when it was "uncivilized" to stand up for fair pay, 84 remarkable teachers took a stand. It's the 100th anniversary of the BC Teachers' Federation this year and New Westminster teachers are celebrating... more

November 10, 2017

War ribbons in NWSS trees: Students remember

Coming to grips with the price of war: Ribbons tied to the nearly leafless maple trees and fluttering  at the front entrance of New Westminster Secondary School raise the question: who are they for? And who put them there?... more

November 2, 2017

Hugs from Home Learners at Hume Park….

Parents and kids at the Home Learners at Hume Park program gathered in force last week to thank Roberta Oxenbury for being the face of a welcoming, friendly program since she joined on as secretary 13 years ago... more

November 1, 2017

What do socks have to do with fish? FW Howay kids have the answer!

The goal for "Socktober" was to gather 600 pairs of socks. The reward was to help homeless neighbours in New West stay warm by donating socks to the Lookout Society. The fun was to take up Principal Jamie Sadler's challenge... more

November 1, 2017

From Human Rights to Tea Time: it’s Clubs Day 2017 at New Westminster Secondary School!

How about a cup of tea if you're a grade 12 student stressing about tests, homework, extracurricular stuff and getting through another day? If it's Tea Club time, it must be another annual Clubs Day for New Westminster Secondary.. more

November 1, 2017

School Board seeks public feedback Nov. 13-27 on May Day Task Force recommendations…

The New Westminster Board of Education is seeking public input concerning the school district’s participation in the annual celebration of May Day in New Westminster... more

Highlights at New Westminster School District 40

Good Things are Happening: 2021-22 in review

An amazing list of projects, achievements and learning opportunities from the 2021-22 school year that's set the foundation we move forward from. more

The beat and birth of a drum

All three of our middle schools collaborated around a power lesson, with additional opportunities for Indigenous students to get hands-on cultural teachings and experiences. more

Understanding and opportunities: the diversity and inclusion review

Key findings and recommendations from our justice, equity, diversity and inclusion consultants. more